Daegyeong Egg, a leading egg liquid processing company in South Korea, has been at the forefront of the industry for over 20 years. We sat down for a talk with Vice President Kim Young-gon and Seungmin Lee of KI systems

In the dynamic world of egg processing, Arovo aimed to find ways that helps producing high quality liquid egg products suitable for exporting to various European markets. This led them to SANOVO and the WAVE pasteurization system.

Rakic Komerc, a family-owned business nestled in the fertile Sember region in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been committed to excellence in egg production for nearly three decades. Their focus on quality has made them a trusted name in the industry, consistently delivering products that meet the highest standards.

At Fremont Farms of Iowa, a leader in the liquid egg processing industry, the combination of state-of-the-art technology and a strong commitment to ethical and sustainable practices sets them apart. This story shows how the company not only excels in egg production but also passionately upholds its responsibility towards the environment, communities, and animal welfare.

Eurovo, the largest egg processing company in Europe, partnered with SANOVO, an industry-leading solution provider, to further advance their production plants. The integration of the solution marks a significant step in Eurovo’s journey of automation for consistent, high quality egg processing.

L'OVE, a company born from the entrepreneurial idea of two leading local Italian companies, has been marketing shell eggs for over 30 years. These two powerhouses decided to join forces to create an innovative packaging center in southern Italy, introducing a new brand that meets the needs of the market and the end consumer.

Vermeulen Eieren, a modern family-owned egg processing company, is dedicated to producing the highest quality egg products. With a strong focus on hygiene and product safety, they have built a state-of-the-art production line that guarantees short delivery times and meets all HACCP requirements.

In the scenic hills of Yorkshire, the Elliott family has been known for top-notch egg production for generations. Their brand, Elliott Eggs, has built a name for itself by providing fresh, high-quality eggs to their customers, with a focus on animal welfare.

Read about how DAVA Foods produces the safest eggs in the world in an efficient and hygienic way by working with the GraderPro 400.

Read about how Rose Acre Farms, Indiana, and Hidden Villa Ranch, California build a completely self sustainable egg farm, providing local eggs with the GraderPro 400

The success story of Gnaser FrischEi and EiVita starts with the foundation of Gnaser FrischEi in 1970 and the goal to produce cage eggs with a flock of around 25.000 laying hens. Read more...

Read about how Owi-Ei Erzeugergemeinschaft Hof Determeyer improved their functionalities with one new machine.

Liquid egg processing excellence combined with an integrated supply chain. Read more about Ovobrand, an Argentinian company internationally supplying egg products.

Together with PROAN, located in Mexico, we explored a different technology for washing eggs. Check it out!

Read more about how the OptiGrader 600 exceed Farmers Hen House projections by 10% on throughput and improved uptime of the grading operation.

Read about how Valley Park Farm invested in grading technology to tackle the labor market challenges associated with farms in Australia.

Read more about how the purchase of several SANOVO graders has solved issues in Faria Group's production and has exceeded expectations.

Read about how Sanovo and Ovotrack's strategic alliance has created value for Star Egg's production.

Read about why AbE Discovery initially invested in SANOVO pasteurizers and how the installation process exceeded all their expectations.

Read about the launch of OVO Egypt’s new fully automated egg processing facility in Cairo, which is expected to change the business landscape in Egypt, Middle East, and North Africa.

Read about Groward Group's revamping project of their liquid egg processing facility in Lithuania. Groward Group is part of the Viciunai Group, a company among the largets producers of fish products in the European region.

Read about how Bill Rehm's (owner of Daybreak) SANOVO machines have impacted his production. These machines including Breakers, Graders and Farmpackers. Get inspired by watching Bill talking in a video about his experience with SANOVO.

Read about how Koppenhöfer Eiprodukte GmbH was able to increase efficiency and save labor time with the SANOVO pasteurizer.

Read about why Prairie Star Farms decided to buy another SANOVO OptiBreaker.

Read about Dava Foods' experience with the SANOVO GraderPro.

Read about how the SANOVO Wave helped to improve Albert S.R.L.'s ice cream.

Read about how Ma Chin Chew, the owner of N&N Agriculture in Singapore, was able to upgrade their egg grading and packing facility in order to reduce manpower.

Read about how SANOVO's machines helped Kikes achieve a modern, high tech processing plant.

Read about how Mr Lemmers, owner of Global Food Group, reduced his labour costs by 50% through an interview with him.

Read about how this small but efficient local egg processing plant is able to conquer the market in Central America by investing in SANOVO's StreamLine to meet a growing demand for safe and high quality pasteurised egg products.

Read about how in order for Casa Do Aido to cope with increasing demand, it was time to invest in a new higher-capacity grading line. Since the installment of the grader (18 years ago), they have not lost a single day of production, in spite of heavy use.

Read about Ready Egg's purchase of a OptiBreaker Plus 12 line, which replaced their Coenraadts breaker. They later purchased a second OptiBreaker Plus 12 about a year later for their new factory in the UK.

Read about how Adriaan Goede B.V.'s experience was when replacing its old egg-breaking and separation equipment with two SANOVO OptiLine 12 systems.

Read about when Les OEufs Geslin decided to upgrade its egg breaking and separation line, where the focus was to obtain higher quality of its separated products, improving its separation rate and increasing yields. Thus, improvements were expected, but reality proved even better and opened up new production planning possibilities.

Read about what Eduardo Ordóñez (owner) and Santiago Zaffarano (farm manager) were looking for when they decided to expand their egg-grading business in order to stay sufficiently competitive in an unpredictable South American market.

Read about why David Allwright decided to invest in a new facility with a liquid egg processing plant. Read David's checklist for buying machinery.

Read how Patrick Charpin (owner of Ferme de Kervenac'h) improved factory efficiency and profitability by installing an OptiGrader 400.

Read about La Fourcade's plant and how SANOVO's technology has made everything automatically controlled and monitored. From receipt of eggs to final shipment, everything is automatic.

Read why Bill Glass, president and CEO of Ft. Recovery Equity, chose to install an OptiGrader 600.

Read about Drost Pluimveebedrijf' search for a machine that could run with as few employees as possible and supply what the market demanded, without an excessive investment.

Read about Amering's continued satisfaction with the machinery.

Read about Vriesen-hof's search for further improvement of efficiency lead them to their present in-line Alpha grader plant, which they have been operating for more than ten years.

Read about how SANOVO supported EGGS PRODUCT GRUPA PRODUCENTÓW ROLNYCH SP. Z O.O. in growing to become one of the biggest egg-producing and processing companies in Poland.

Read about how a company focused on liquid egg production uses the SANOVO WAVE technology to develop their products.